Mary, the mother of Jesus, is esteemed for her faith in hearing the word that she would carry the promised Messiah.  But also consider that she was carrying the Word which was from the beginning in her womb as mentioned in John 1. Given this, it seems natural that she would accept God’s word concerning her with faith. For her to carry Jesus she had to first accept the written word. 

Mary’s faith was already rich and full by her response: let it be to me according to your word. Even her cousin Elisabeth praises her faith in God’s word. Mary was blessed because she believed there would be a fulfillment of the word spoken to her. Mary’s trust in the word didn’t start at the moment the angel came to her. Instead, she had years of storing up the word, trusting it, letting it richly dwell in her. Her song of praise, known as The Magnificat in Luke 1:46-55, is a testament of her trust and dwelling in the scriptures.

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