Hey everyone, welcome to the second episode of Unfolding Enactus! In this episode, we are going to hear from Sven, Michelle, and Gabriel who are members of the Enactus University of Mannheim Blauherz initiative! Blauherz is an inclusive fashion startup that produces innovative clothing for people with disabilities. Learn all about why what, and how of the Blauherz and how Enactus has impacted these three students! At the end of the episode listen to some advice that Sven, Michelle, and Gabriel have for everyone listening. Also shoutout to Lu Zhang from China for being our alumni spotlight this week and to Mike from Ford, for being the representative of our Enactus sponsor spotlight! Overall the Blauherz initiative has empowered people with disabilities to take charge of their own style and fashion! Go listen!

To learn more about Enactus, check out our website and Instagram: https://enactus.org/ and https://www.instagram.com/enactus/

And to learn more about Blauherz check out both their website and their Instagram: https://blauherz.eu/, and https://www.instagram.com/blauherz.official/