'You ain't black'

President Joe Biden gave one of his first major media appearances since taking office to CNN, and it was a disaster to say the least. He managed to suggest that minorities don’t know how to use the internet, that China’s oppression of Uighurs is the result of different “cultural norms” and that there was no COVID vaccine before he took office.

Meanwhile, CNN also announced that host Chris Cuomo would no longer be able to interview his brother, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but defended their decision to have him do so at the height of the pandemic last summer. Amber Athey is covering it all on this week’s episode of Unfit to Print.

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Thanks for watching and check out past episodes of the podcast:

Unfit To Print Episode 87: Cuomo Denies Cover-Up, TJ Ducklo Resigns, Lincoln Project Implodes

Unfit To Print Episode 86: The Congresswoman Who Cried Wolf

Unfit To Print Episode 85: The Reddit Revolution Is A Populist Uprising Against Wall Street