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Big corporations are getting richer than ever during the pandemic, and COVID-19 relief is highly targeted toward the lowest income individuals. But where does that leave the middle class? The most important income group in America is in big trouble unless politicians start taking their concerns seriously.

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has his way, the political elite will continue sending billions of dollars abroad while telling American families that a stimulus check is too expensive. Amber Athey explains in this episode of Unfit to Print why the future of the country is dependent on the middle class and how Republicans must embrace Trump’s populist policies in order to save these Americans. (RELATED: ‘Socialism For Rich People’ — McConnell Again Blocks Standalone $2,000 Stimulus Check Bill)

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Thanks for watching and check out past episodes of the podcast:

Unfit To Print Episode 80: Do We Really Have To Call Jill Biden ‘Doctor’?

Unfit To Print Episode 77: Elites Try To Cancel Thanksgiving

Unfit To Print Episode 76: Dems Cry For Unity While Threatening Trump Supporters