Her degree is the result of status envy, not hard work

An opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal lit up the internet this week by arguing that soon-to-be first lady Jill Biden should not be allowed to use the title “doctor” before her name. Biden, the article argued, is just the latest example of PhD holders thinking that they should command a higher level of respect from the general populace.

Democrats and the liberal media freaked out at the suggestion that Biden isn’t a real doctor, whining that the WSJ article was “sexist.” However, a closer look at her dissertation, the admission requirements for her program and her family’s ties to the University of Delaware confirm that this overpriced degree ought to be mocked rather than praised. Amber Athey explains it all in this week’s episode of “Unfit to Print”.

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Thanks for watching and check out past episodes of the podcast:

Unfit To Print Episode 77: Elites Try To Cancel Thanksgiving

Unfit To Print Episode 76: Dems Cry For Unity While Threatening Trump Supporters

Unfit To Print Episode 75: Voter Fraud And The Legal Battle Over The 2020 Election