Never give in or they will destroy you

The outrage mob went after Fox News’ Tucker Carlson again after an out-of-context clip was shared on social media, but Tucker refused to back down.

The leftist mob managed to get #TuckerCarlsonIsARacist trending on Twitter, but supporters fired back with a hashtag of their own: #IStandWithTucker. The left keeps trying to shut him down, but Tucker is pulling in some of the highest ratings in all of cable news — proof that America wants to hear what he has to say.

In this week’s episode of Unfit to Print, host Amber Athey explains why the left is so angry with Tucker and why they’re wrong.




Thanks for watching and check out past episodes of the podcast:

Unfit To Print Episode 55: Media And Black Lives Matter Exploit Lie That Police Are Racist

Unfit To Print Episode 54: Media Coverage Of BLM Protests Vs. Anti-Lockdown Protests

Unfit To Print Episode 53: Ron DeSantis Shreds Media For Coronavirus Double Standard

If you like this podcast, go check out Amber’s work at Spectator USA. Use the discount code AMBER for 10% off a subscription.

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