They'll act like this is all normal

Former Obama administration officials and members of the media are spinning after CBS News’ Catherine Herridge dropped documents that showed the Obama administration sought to unmask Gen. Michael Flynn 48 times.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was just one person who requested Flynn’s identity — coincidentally on the same day his name was leaked to the Washington Post. The media will act like this is all above board, but the leak was criminal. It also shows that the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign went well beyond their FISA warrants on Carter Page. (RELATED: Here Is Everything You Need To Know About ‘Unmasking’ And Michael Flynn, All In One Place)




Thanks for watching and check out past episodes of the podcast:

Unfit To Print Episode 51: Citizens Defy Draconian Lockdown Measures Pushed By ‘Experts’

Unfit To Print Episode 50: The #MeToo Hypocrites Have Gone Silent For Biden

Unfit To Print Episode 49: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Berates Cyclist While Breaking Quarantine

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