A story too crazy to be fake

A couple decided this week that they would eat fish tank cleaner after realizing that it contained the same active ingredient as an anti-malarial drug that has been rumored to treat coronavirus.

No doctor is giving out a prescription for fish tank cleaner, and this couple didn’t even have coronavirus, but somehow the media is blaming Trump for this Darwin Award winning idiocy because he talked about the anti-malarial drug during a press briefing.


Make sure you watch until the end to get Amber’s special shoutout to Opening Day of baseball season!



Thanks for watching and check out previous episodes:

Unfit To Print Episode 44: Liberal Media Takes China’s Side Amid Coronavirus Panic

Unfit To Print Episode 43: NYT Writer Claims Racism After MSNBC Math Fiasco

Unfit To Print Episode 42: Trump Campaign Sues NYT And WaPo

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