Another political railroading and the media cheers

Political trickster Roger Stone was sentenced to 40 months in prison for the crime of being associated with President Donald Trump, and members of the media were thrilled.

“Unfit to Print” host Amber Athey explains the allegations against Stone, the tainted jury pool, and the biased judge in this week’s episode.


It seems conservatives face different rules in this justice system, and Stone is just the latest person to get railroaded in the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion. (RELATED: Michael Flynn: I Regret Pleading Guilty)


In this episode, Amber also breaks down the media’s reaction to Trump’s latest pardons, the Bernie Sanders campaign saying that Fox News is more fair than MSNBC, and Katie Hill’s media rehabilitation tour.


Thanks for watching and make sure you check out past episodes, as well as Amber’s new gig at the Spectator USA!

More episodes:

Unfit To Print Episode 39: CNN Mocks Rural Trump Supporters

Unfit To Print Episode 38: Black Gun Owners Shred Media Narrative About ‘White Nationalist’ Gun Rally

Unfit To Print Episode 37: CNN Goes To Bat For Elizabeth Warren, Throws Bernie Sanders To The Wolves