Just 3 minutes during a 3 hour debate

CNN hosted its second Democratic debate this week, and it was predictably another disaster for the radical Democrats on stage.

Perhaps the biggest issue with the night, however, was how little time CNN decided to dedicate to former Vice President Joe Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was looking into his son’s business ties. For a three hour debate, CNN gave just three minutes to the scandal, and declined to let the other candidates weigh in on the issue. (RELATED: Biden Only Candidate Who Gets Time To Discuss His Son’s Foreign Business Scandal)

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Amber Athey is explaining why CNN handled the scandal this way in the latest episode of “Unfit to Print.”


The establishment media also predictably freaked out this week over President Donald Trump pulling U.S. troops from northern Syria, leading ABC News to post footage from a Kentucky gun range and claim that it showed Turkish troops bombing the Kurds.

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ABC issued a correction on Twitter, but failed to tell its viewers on-air that they had erroneously used the footage.


Finally, Megyn Kelly had a triumphant return to Fox News after leaving the network over two years ago. Props to Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson for inviting her on his show so that she could slam the establishment media’s “active bias” against the president.


Thanks for watching this week’s episode and make sure you check out past episodes:

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Unfit To Print Episode 27: Chris Cuomo Gets Blasted By CNN Guest Over Adam Schiff’s Lies

Unfit To Print Episode 26: Dems’ Impeachment Hysteria Backfires On Biden

Unfit To Print Episode 25: The Complete Breakdown Of NYT’s Screw Ups On The Kavanaugh Smear

Unfit To Print Episode 24: CNN Played Politics On 9/11