Before recording “Code Rage”, Cowboy Coder lived in Texas, with a day job working as an independent IT consultant for the past fifteen years. His debut album discusses what it was like having one foot in the music world, and the other in the ever-changing world of startups, featuring songs like “B01” (detailing the 2001 tech bust), “Linux Administrator” (a stark analysis juxtaposing office politics with archetypal hardcore Linux CTOs), and “3rd Generation” (a collab with Cowboy Coder’s producer and friend MC Lars, which uses and demonstrates musical history as a metonymy for the evolution of code). 
 When COVID both necessitated and obviated Cowboy Coder's need to continue the day-to-day grind of creating enterprise solutions for Fortune 500 companies, he moved to Puerto Rico and dove deeper into his creative calling, writing an album that combines elements of country, punk, hip-hop and even EDM. Connecting with MC Lars at a show in Austin in February of 2020, Cowboy Coder and Lars kept in touch. Coder began remotely working with Lars through the Lit-Hop Academy (, a program that explores the basics of songwriting and its literary crossovers, helping artists find their unique voices. The two worked remotely, creating “Code Rage”, finishing the album’s production IRL in the spring of 2022 while the two were both in Brooklyn. Following the record’s completion, Cowboy Coder embarked on his first International tour, opening for Lars in the UK, a run that featured Cowboy Coder’s festival debut at Slam Dunk. 
 Cowboy Coder’s debut video (also called "Code Rage”) was directed by Max Skaff, whose previous work includes video collaborations with MC Lars, Watsky, Wheatus and Soul Coughing’s Mike Doughty. The rage not only against the start-up world that Cowboy Coder left behind, but also addresses reflects the alienation that comes from interacting with sloppy code, intensified by Zoom meetings and the ennui of COVID lockdown. Just as “3rd Generation” is a metonymy for genre, Cowboy Coder’s debut album speaks as a larger metaphor for anyone frustrated with technology, its spiritual shortcomings, and is brave enough to try something new.

Fans of quirky music will surely be checking for “Code Rage”, available everywhere on October 14, 2022, via Audentes Records. Thank you for helping Cowboy Coder tell his story.