Episode 24 of the "pandemisodes," as we've been calling them, is here! Anna is joined by her friend and hilarious comedian, Nicky Paris! You may know Nicky from LATV, E!, or the tanning salon in Staten Island that you were once locked in because he was out getting lunch... We dive into Nicky's employment history and discuss all of his jobs from working in a pizza place at age 12 to becoming a telemarketer in college. Until that one day when he wasn't anymore. Nicky also famously tells Anna he's never been unemployed, and we love to hear it! (No we don't, who even is this person?!) It's the episode that will make you think, "wow I wish Nicky talked my ear off sometime while checking out at CVS." WATCH THE FULL EP ON WWW.PATREON.COM/UNEMPLOYEDPODCAST! Follow @NickyParisBitch & don't forget to follow @UnemployedPDCST! Plz SUBSCRIBE, RATE, & REVIEW!