Society pays a price when we teach men to be turned on by women in pain. Continuing in our series entitled “Sex. Don’t Settle for Grey”, Tray and Melody welcome Heather Lybrand back to the Messy Boots Studio to discuss ‘Gifts and Counterfeits’. For every good and perfect gift God gives his children, the enemy of our souls offers a counterfeit to keep us from experiencing God’s good gift. Sex and our sexuality is no different. Because sex in a committed, marital relationship is a picture of our union with God through Christ, Satan will do whatever he can to profane this picture and to sell us a cheap substitute. The movie ’50 Shades of Grey’ celebrates a selfish, carnal sexuality that degrades and controls women that does not come close to the intimate, selfless act God intended. 


Whether you are planning to watch the ’50 Shades of Grey’ movie or not, we hope you will take the time to listen to this series and at least compare God’s design with what we are being offered by culture. Please consider sharing with your family and friends!