On this week's episode of The Undone Redone Podcast, Tray and Melody sit down with Russ Morgan & Joey Mure of Wealth Without Wall Street to discuss financial security during COVID-19. Joey and Russ share their expertise to our listeners to help them navigate the financial minefield that is the COVID-19 pandemic. They explain the things every person needs to be doing to keep their head above water in these unprecedented times. They also point to helpful resources and are offering our listeners a chance to join their free community at https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/community. To learn more about Joey and Russ, visit their website at wealthwithoutwallstreet.com


"Right now there are so many practical things you can be doing to manage your finances, and there are so many great resources out there you can use, especially on our website, to help you navigate that."

"Our mentor had a great saying which was,5% of the people think, 10% of the people think they think, and 85% of people would rather die than think. You have to ask yourself 'what group do I want to be a part of?' These are moments you dive into the Word and think about it, pray on it, because that can be the key to help you free yourself from this prison you feel like you're stuck in."