On this week's episode of the Undone Redone Podcast, Tray and Melody sit down with Joel Fitzpatrick to discuss spiritual parenting between fathers and their children. Joel Fitzpatrick has served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America with a focus on youth and family. He received his MDiv from Westminster Seminary California. Joel lives in Southern California with his wife of nineteen years and their two children. He is a sinner, a preacher, the author of Between us Guys, the coauthor of Mom, Dad . . . What’s Sex?, and contributed chapters to The Sinner and Saints Devotional: 60 days in the Psalms.

Joel explains the balance between laughter and enjoyment and setting boundaries for our children so they can grow up in a Christ centered environment that isn't dependent on what others think. Our listeners can learn more about Joel on his website at https://www.joelfitzpatrick.co/


"On of the most important things I have said to my son is 'Even in the face of your failure, I am proud to be your dad. I love you no matter how well or poorly you do.'"

"When you show your love to your children as Christ loves us, it gives your kids a stable foundation to stand on in all things."

"Being humble in front of your kids is vital. Be quick to forgiveness when your kids mess up. Shaming and disciplining your kids is almost paradoxical to them because they see you sinning while disciplining them for their sins."