There's been more change in the world of work in the last three months than, say, over the past three decades, I'd suggest. 

Key takeaways: Conversations around the future of work show that there are exciting opportunities for the workforce to evolve, but also challenges in how to make that happen. The impact of Covid-19 has had a tangible impact on how many of us work and the ways in which organisations will operate in the future. There is still great uncertainty, but in a time of flux, it's important for businesses and employees to adapt quickly and put new learning into practice to prepare for the future. 

GitLab has got their remote working manifesto. And for those of you who are struggling with this in terms of impact on culture and how you the virtual environment, it's well worth read.

Thank you to our guests - Marc Weedon, Steve Hunt, and Richard Phelps - for joining us for this podcast episode and sharing their expertise and insight on the Future of Work. 

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This episode was recorded and produced by Matt Gore of icon business media.

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