Kyle, Brooke, & Dom are live from the press box following the Wings heartbreaking loss to the Toronto Rock. The gang break down the positives from the game, including a revitalized power play, a 10-point night from the Big Cat, Matt Rambo looking confident, and Doug Buchan having another quality start. They also break down the negatives, what led to the downfall in the 4th quarter, and more.

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Twitter: @UndergroundPHI
Kyle: @KBizzl311
Brooke: @BrookeOnBroad
Alex: @AlexOn11th
Dom: @WashedLifestyle

Instagram: @undergroundsportsphiladelphia
Alyssa's Makeup Page: @MakeupByAlyssaAmber


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Intro Music:
Arkells "American Screams"

Outro Music:
Arkells "American Screams"