Deborah Hawkins started blogging on mindfulness and gratitude as a way to work herself out of depression. She has posted reflections on everyday things or experiences that lift her mood on almost every week since 2010. She has developed an “intentional” approach to a gratitude practice that is empowering, authentic, and fun. Through her blog. books, and classes, she provides tools people can employ to lead happier lives.

In this episode, Deb and I discuss the power of intentional gratitude, how it helped her out of dark times, and how she uses these techniques to help other people who are also suffering. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools one can use to boost mood, raise levels of general life satisfaction, and overall promote a healthier life. Gratitude helps us connect with powerful positive emotions such as love, happiness, joy, and appreciation - all of which are essential components of a joyful life. Gratitude also helps us connect with the universe outside of ourselves - when we are grateful, we connect with each other, with nature, and with life itself. 

Taking time out of your day to practice gratitude, and it is best when we make it into a regular practice, can be a powerful tool of transformation. Deb shares with us that it is often best to start off with things that might be considered ‘small’, but actually are the foundation for a much deeper practice. 

By taking the time to practice mindful gratitude, we can begin to transform the way we think and therefore the way we see the world. Our minds are powerful tools that shape our perceived reality according to our belief systems. By intentionally changing our default mode of interpretation to one of gratitude, we can change our overall sense of being in the world to one of joy, appreciation, and love. Although it can be a gradual process, it is a powerful transformative tool. 


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More of Deb:

🙏 No Small Thing Website 

🙏 Facebook: @NoSmallThingMindfulMeditations    

🙏 Instagram: @nosmallthingdeborahh

🙏 LinkedIn: Deborah Hawkins 

🙏 Linktree: GratefulDeb


More of Shane: 

🙏 Underground Antics Website  

🙏 LinkedIn: Shane Pokroy  

🙏 Instagram: @shanepokroy

🙏 Facebook: @UndergroundAnticsPodcast

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