This week we take a break for our brains with an absurdly long but totally worth it Halloween special!

I am joined for an amazing conversation with horror writer MontiLee Stormer where we cover everything from women in horror, to accessibility for writers, and the history of Paradise Valley in Detroit.

You'll also hear stories from people about their favorite costumes, unforgettable Halloweens past, and creepy, disembodied whispers about body in the closet.

You'll even hear an interview that I did with my Mom.

Thank you for listening, and Happy Halloween!


For further research on Paradise Valley, the list MontiLee shared with me will be up in the show notes here: 

Remember to follow Underestimated on Twitter @underestipod, on Instagram @underestimatedpodcast, and at our website,

The opinions expressed in this podcast by the host are those of the host, and are not affiliated with any company, employer, or other entity.


Additional sounds credits this week go to:

"Spookster" by Wayne Jones from the YouTube Audio Library, "Tolling Bell Sound" by Daniel Simion via, "Human Heartbeat Sound" by Daniel Simion  via, and "Thunder Strike 1 Sound" by Mike Koenig  via