"Don't Mention It" is a series from Underestimated: A Podcast about the things we're apparently not supposed to mention, things that society doesn't seem to value as much, but things that are important to talk about. This series shares stories that too often go unmentioned in relation to health throughout the spectrum of femininity.

Episode 1 is a discussion with activist and FGM survivor Maryum Saifee about how FGM is not a faraway problem, the Detroit case, and banning FGM entirely.



End FGM/C U.S. Network

Maryum’s Articles

I’m a survivor of female genital cutting and I’m speaking out – as others must too.

Female Genital Mutilation and the Detroit Ruling: A Survivor’s Perspective

Transcripts of the episode are available at underestimatedpodcast.com

Underestimated is written, produced, and hosted by Elizabeth Palmer; music inexpertly composed in Garageband.