Merry Tarrasquemas! It's been one full year of podcast episodes, and we're here to celebrate with a one-shot adventure - specifically, Zikran's Zephyrean Tome from Candlekeep Mysteries.

Today's cast has James as the Dungeon Master; Ian as Ereshki, the orc champion fighter; Mary Crowell as Lawbringer Trebin, the hobgoblin war cleric; Mitch Wallace as Gimble Shadowscale, the kobold thief rogue; and C.R. Rowenson as Lady Serissa, the yuan-ti pureblood enchantment wizard. 

We want to thank all of you who listen to our podcast for helping us make it to one year. We're just so glad that, though we're talking into the void, there's someone in the void who listens. Here's to another year of interviews, homebrew, and lore!

Disclaimer: No PCs were harmed in the making of this episode.


Here are the social links for all of our guests: 

Mitchell Wallace
* Twitter: @mitchsbustillos
* Website:

C.R. Rowenson
* Twitter: @ClarkRRowenson
* Website:

Dr. Mary Crowell
* Twitter: @DrMaryCCrowell
* Website:


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Our theme song is Massacre Anne, written and performed by Mary Crowell, and used with permission. You can find Mary's work online at, or on Patreon at

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