We've decided to take in a live show before we head to the Outer Planes in our planar travels, so this week, we have three new homebrewed bard colleges to share with you: the College of Metal, the College of Sophistry, and the College of Truthweaving. 

This episode started with the Metal Bard, which was inspired by the recent Worldbuild With Us series, The Land of a Thousand Decibels, which you can find here.

We are also celebrating reaching 1000 followers on Twitter, so listen all the way to the end for the special comment instructions that are part of our giveaway, which ends June 9th, 2021! Details for the giveaway can be found on the pinned post of our Twitter account until the giveaway closes.

Find us on Facebook: Undercommon Taste

Follow us on Twitter: @UCThomebrew

Join us on Instagram: Undercommon Taste

Support us on Patreon: Undercommon Taste 

Check out our homebrew content here. 


Our theme is Massacre Anne, written and performed by Mary Crowell, and used with permission. Find Mary on Bandcamp or Patreon.

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