This week, the boys discuss why Zack Snyder's Justice League worked while Josstice League ultimately failed. They discuss the plots, characterizations, and the background of the situation (i.e., Autumn Snyder, Walter Hamada, etc) to establish the framework for the discussion. They also discuss the inevitability of Zack Snyder's epic return to the DCU and what the story could look like.

Let's face it, no matter you're opinion of Zack Snyder's DC movies, the Snyder Cut was superior to the Whedon Cut. Even the ardent detractors of Snyder admit that point, so it's important to have this discussion.

What do you think? Is the Snyder Cut better than the Whedon Cut? Why did the Snyder Cut work while the Whedon Cut failed? If it were Joss' movie from the beginning, would it have been good?

Like, comment, and subscribe for more SnyderVerse analysis, panel discussions, comparisons, and news as we eagerly await Snyder's grand return to the DCU.






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