This week, Jared welcomes Wes From Thinking Critical back to the podcast to discuss if comics can become less niche. They discuss why comics have been niche, why they should be more popular, and the steps they would take to help the comics industry escape niche status.   
It's always fun to have Wes back on the show and get his analysis on the wonders of the comics industry. Let's face it, in the age of the blockbuster comic book movie, these comics should not be as obscure as they are. These movies reach billions of dollars, so it bears reason that the comics that inspire these films should also share in that popularity.   
Email us below with you thoughts. Can comics escape from obscurity? How would you make the comic hobby less niche? What steps should the companies make to help the comics share in the popularity of the movies?   
Wes' channel:  
Wes' Twitter: Wes_from_TC  
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