The Under the Hive of Madness crew returns to the Aeldari this week to take a look at the Exodite Sub-Faction.  Cause what isn't cooler than freaking space elves riding freaking dinosaurs!  This is a long-time faction favorite of Gobbo's, who is even working on a fully converted Exodite army.  Somehow he managed to wrangle Marky, Kev, and Beast into a deep dive into the pre-fall history of the Exodites, and how their society and culture differ from the Asuryani.  The UHM crew also digs into their technology and the terraformed Maiden Worlds, which make up some of the galaxy's richest Paradises.  We are a Warhammer 40k Podcast, focusing on the Horror and Grimdark elements of the setting.  So expect adult themes, adult humor, and more than a few puns!  

Remember always burn ice sage before moving into a new Habstack, s the 4 Armed Emperor's might just skip your door next time they come callin!

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