Well, we think we’ve finally evicted the squirrels, but the little bastards are now trying to chew their way back in. In desperation and based on internet hearsay about human voices repelling squirrels, I turn to Monty Don and the...

Well, we think we’ve finally evicted the squirrels, but the little bastards are now trying to chew their way back in. In desperation and based on internet hearsay about human voices repelling squirrels, I turn to Monty Don and the rest of the BBC garden show hosts to ward them off and it sorta kinda works.

Also, Motley Crue lends a song to shilling showerheads for Delta. I recount some stuff I’ve planted in the garden lately (including possibly ruining the Japanese garden by putting a climbing rose on the fence in it that I should probably move elsewhere now that I think of it), and why not all Walmart lily bulbs are winners. And there’s some crazy foul-mouthed old hag in my neighborhood walks by and swears at me for having replaced the old lawn with my flower garden.

Plus: new intro and outro music!


