Previous Episode: Under My Skin Podcast #73

This week, Pyra walks face-first into a door (no, really!); bakes cookies as an equal and opposite reaction to going to the gym (the cookies are winning); gets called a Nazi by a retard (and reads the blog about Trump...

This week, Pyra walks face-first into a door (no, really!); bakes cookies as an equal and opposite reaction to going to the gym (the cookies are winning); gets called a Nazi by a retard (and reads the blog about Trump that sparked the whole thing); and reviews/rebuts the worst sex book ever written and says the words “vag,” “boobs,” and “cum” a lot (you’re welcome!)

PS: no more rock news in this show, but cheer up – Pyra’s starting a new show this weekend called “The Rock n Roll Blather Show” with nothing but rock news!