Welcome to the Renew Your Mind Podcast - I'm glad you're here! In this intro episode, I cast the vision for this podcast. I share who this is podcast is specifically for, why I created it, and who I am. Then, we wrap up with Romans 12:1-2 ("be transformed by the renewing of your mind)", Haggai 1:5-9 and a prayer inviting God to use this for His purposes and to equip faith driven entrepreneurs with the desire to build His kingdom, not our own.

Come hang out on Instagram for the practical content helping you grow your business...but stay for the cute pictures of my kids   @kieranlenahancoaching.


Today's Sponsor:
📱 Malachi Daily, an email newsletter that helps you memorize Scripture and learn its context via email.

Head to https://malachidaily.com and get started for free!


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Connect with me on Instagram @kieranlenahan