Richard Wiltshire from Dartford revs his way down the aisle with his hands on his throttle on Road Rash, Darts champion Eric Bristow tries not to decapitate a maiden on Hemidell, and there's sibling rivalry as Lisa takes on her brother Jason at Panzer Kick Boxing. It's fantasy week in the Review Zone as Shadow of the Beast and Populous II for Amiga get a look at alongside King's Quest V, GamesMaster helps kids on DuckTales, Altered Beast and Super Mario Bros. 2, and there's a bizarre PR fluff piece for the Sega Mega Drive. So get out your joystick and give it a loving caress, because that's what we'll be doing for the next hour and fifteen minutes.

Theme song by Other Chris

Bed music by TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music

Amiga cover of Wet Wet Wet's Goodnight Girl by Aaron White

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