More often than not, when we are faced with so many good things that you think you’ve got to do, you end up not doing it all.  This attitude encapsulates what most of us feel when thinking about fitness and nutrition, especially when we are busy in business and our family life.  

In this episode, you will learn how to embark on a fitness and good one step at a time that can bring you amazing results. Hear it straight from Fitness Coach Alix Hubble, the Holistic Core Restore® Coach of the year for 2020, as she and Annette discuss how to incorporate fitness in our busy schedules. 

Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show…

When you are in business and have a family, how can you incorporate fitness into your day?The time factor in getting yourself fit, though short, can still get amazing results.What does fitness have to do with running a business and productivity?Tips on how to eat well when you're rushing around in your busy life.


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Connect with Alix Hubble:


Instagram - @alix_chickfit 


Podcast - The Busy Woman’s Guide to Fitness & Wellness Podcast

Connect with Annette Ferguson:




Facebook Page
