Many of us have the inclination to write a book, but when we try to start one, we are intimidated. During this episode, our special guest Dr. Emee Vida Estacio explains that writing a book is not really such a mammoth task as most people think. It is really not difficult! All we need is our expertise in our own niche and we can have help from an editor, a graphic designer, etc and even leverage the power of Amazon to put your  book out there and be noticed.  More than the monetization of your book, it can serve as a revenue driver for your business,  as a lead magnet or help in the building of your brand presence.

So for those considering writing a book, this is a must listen episode. 

Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show…

Why should someone even contemplate having a book?How does one even begin writing a book?How do you get your book noticed from the millions of other books out there?When your published book doesn't sell, what should you do?How do you use a book as a revenue driver for your business?How much time and effort do you need to put into self-publishing a book?What should your cadence be in writing books?


The book, The Profit Plan by Annette Ferguson

Book mentioned in the conversation:

Raising Happy Toddlers: How To Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at Your Kids! by Celia Kibler

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