Taking it from Annette’s personal experience,  especially when you are starting with your business, there will be use of time that is not going to be productive for you and the business.  

In these Training Tuesday live sessions, Annette will share how she is able to cut the unproductive time that is taking her time which should have been for productive use for the success of her business.  

Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show…

Tracking time is the first important step to know where your time is going.Why is establishing boundaries and knowing when to say 'No' is important, not only in business but in your life? Having a structured schedule helps in getting all your tasks done. Why is it important to understand which tasks you need to prioritize?Annette's 5th step - Assess what else can be automated and technologically systemized in your business.What should be checked first before delegating to others?The final step - Setting goals and tracking progress.


Time Tracking Software


Paper Diaries from Ponderlily



If you’re struggling to understand the accounting for your business, reach out to Annette at [email protected] and join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/915326342418247

To know more about financial and lifestyle freedom and if you wish to receive updates on all the workshops that will help you increase your profitability and freedom from your business, just head on over to https://www.annetteandco.co.uk/want-our-emails/.


Connect with Annette Ferguson:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/UKAnnetteFerguson/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annetteandco_/

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkohh_X-4R5mKfEW9rBQ1qA

Listen to the Podcast - Financial and Lifestyle Freedom for UK Business Owners -
