Running a business can overwhelm us and if we don’t know how to combat it, the results can be detrimental to your business.  You as the business owner are the most important asset of the business and as such must prioritize your well being, to keep up with the daunting tasks of making your business afloat. 

In this episode, Annette will give us insightful strategies to conquer overwhelm and by implementing these tips, you can reduce stress, stay present in the moment and focus on what you can control in running your business.

Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show…

- Why is it not good to do everything all at once?

- What are the benefits of setting realistic goals and breaking them into specific time lines?

- Why is smart delegation important to prevent overwhelm?

- How can you achieve productivity and real results?

- Why is it important to analyze both, what’s working and what’s not working?

 - How does rewarding yourself sustain motivation and enthusiasm for your work?

- Why is there a need for continuous learning when running a business?


If you’re struggling to understand the accounting for your business, reach out to Annette at [email protected] and join our Facebook group

To know more about financial and lifestyle freedom and if you wish to receive updates on all the workshops that will help you increase your profitability and freedom from your business, just head on over to


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