Cash flow problems in your business are not a good thing. That is why it is of utmost importance that you are able to calculate the cash break-even point of your business because that ultimately is what matters.

It is also important that you eradicate money leaks in your business so that you are able to generate a revenue that is achievable, ensure that your costs are in alignment, so that you are able to create good money to take home. 

Here are a few insights you’ll hear in today’s show…

What is the break-even point in economics and accounting?Why is it better to calculate the cash break-even point for a business?How to calculate the cash break-even point in your business? (...What are things you need to consider on a monthly basis?)What do you need to do when you have already calculated the cash break-even number, but your sales number is much higher than what you can generate in a month?What is a money leak?

If you’re struggling to understand the accounting for your business, reach out to Annette at [email protected].


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