Everyone has a story they want to tell, and the author-writing coach Dr Angela Lauria has helped thousands of aspiring authors to take those stories and share them with the world.

Dr Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author Incubator™ and creator of the Difference Process™ for writing a book that matters. The Author Incubator was ranked #275 on the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies and #60 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur 360. Dr Angela won the Stevie Award’s Coach/Mentor of the Year Award and her program, The Author’s Way was named Coaching Program of the Year and was named, by Entrepreneur Magazine, as one of the top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs to watch – one of only 2 women on the list.

More from Angela:

The Author Incubator -  https://theauthorincubator.com/ 

Facebook - The Author Incubator

YouTube - The Author Incubator

LinkedIn - The Author Incubator

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For one lucky listener who is planning to, or has already written a book, Angela would love to do an intuitive reading of your book using her crystal spirit deck, seeing the possible future success of your writings.