Previous Episode: 93: Premium Chickens

Our WWDC spy delivers his report: is Apple doomed? Of course! But listen to find out exactly how!

An actual WWDC bagel. Caraway seeds? Really?

Our WWDC spy has arrived! That’s right, back on the show for the third time and full of tales of San Francisco and Apple’s plans for gaming, it’s our awesome friend Joe Macirowski.

Joe rains on our parade a lot, but hey, we already knew that Apple and gaming aren’t exactly a match made in heaven. If you’ve been deluding yourselves, maybe this episode will cure you!

There’s a lot to talk about and many important questions to answer, like do games have a better shot of success on the Apple Watch or the Apple TV? Why doesn’t the West Coast know from good bagels? And will we finally find out what Craig Federighi’s hair smells like??!!! Listen now to find out.

Please rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (and follow Jessica and Anna too), like us on Facebook, buy our merch, and email us if you know anyplace to get good bagels in San Francisco :)

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