Our Gaming Yoda Steve Lubitz and his awesome wife Maureen join us to talk Hearthstone, goats, and... chain restaurants?

Jessica is bad at Photoshop.

Our Gaming Yoda Steve is becoming quite a fixture on the show, but this episode features someone even more special: his lovely wife, Maureen

Distraught that Steve was never getting to talk about Hearthstone on Isometric, we offered our show up as a safe space to do just that. And well, um, it doesn't hurt that Anna is also obsessed with Blizzard's hugely popular CCG

As per usual though, we got a lot more than we bargained for and Hearthstone wasn't the only topic of discussion. So sit back and enjoy as we hear both Steve and Maureen's voices together for the first time in a long time.

Please rate and review us on iTunes (no, seriously, do it NOW), follow us on Twitterand email us if you want to tell us the furthest you've ever driven to see a goat.

Stuff we mentioned:

KookaburraAngry Chicken from HearthstoneHearthstone's origin storyHearthStatsHeroes of the StormVainglory (iOS & Android)Diablo IIIWarcraft IIIDoctor Draw deckThe Walking DeadDr. BoomHearthArenaDogs playing Hearthstone paintingHearthstone commercialAnnoy-o-TronHay Day (iOS & Android)Paradise Bay (iOS & Android)

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