Next Episode: 45: It's for Drunks!

Future big-deal mobile game dev Jake Sones joins us to be hilarious and talk about Zombie Match Defense

Zombie Match Defense is as fun as it is adorable, trust us

This week we welcome another awesome indie developer (and Unconsoleable fan :-)) to the show!

Jake Sones has worked for some big names like Sony and Blizzard, but the lure of mobile was too strong. He struck out on his own and is now developing Zombie Match Defense which is due out this fall.

Don't let the name fool you. This match 3 game is destined for greatness and you can find out for yourself by signing up to be a tester (just scroll down to the bottom of the site).

So please enjoy, dear listeners, and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter and email us as many underwear model photos as you like. Really, don't hold back ;-)

Stuff we mentioned:

The OTHER Jake SonesOur Jake :)You Must Build a Boat (iOS & Android)Bejeweled Blitz (iOS & Android)PopcapPlants vs. Zombies (iOS & Android)The DaVinci CodeRevolution 60App.netHearthstone (iOS & Android)MobcrushAnna's Mobcrush channelBlizzardEverquestChampions of NorrathInsomniac GamesDiabloNubs' Adventure (iOS & Android)Pocket Gamer ConnectsIndieCadeYeti Pie 

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