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Hi, everybody, it's Alexis here, and I'm really excited to tell you all what's going on with us. We're currently in-between seasons two and three, and in season three, we've got a bunch more guests that we're really excited to share with you, that we've already started recording for. So in the meantime, we have these inter-seasonal episodes, where we're going to rebroadcast some of our favorite guest appearances of me and Linet on other podcasts like LatinxCan, or us getting interviewed by Damion Taylor of Prometheus Digital. Speaking of which, this episode is a rebroadcast of Damion interviewing me, Alexis. We talk about spreadsheets, we talk about organizational ethics, we talk about one of my favorite hobbies. So I really hope that you enjoy this episode and that you check out our interview of Damion in the archives of season two, and also check out Damion's work at Prometheus Digital.