Full Post at ubproject.org

Hey, everybody, we have an amazing podcast. I know I say this a lot. And this one is really, really good. We have a wonderful guest with us Lily. She'll take us through everything from what is the bare bones that we need to know about our incarceration system, how it could be completely different. They talked about dehumanization, they talked about humanization. They talked about empathy, they talk about community, how this all intersects with queer rights and queer justice. And you know, it was such an awesome podcast and we uncovered so many topics that you know, there's going to be a part two. So enjoy

Please check out their website and suggestions in this episode:


Learn more about Lily’s work and get support:

Prisoner Resource
Consultations with Lily
[email protected]

Germany rehabilitation system - Neustrelitz Youth Prison
Sweden Prison System - Kumla Prison
US Considered the Most Punitive Country in the World
Visualizing the Unequal Treatment of LGBTQ People in the Criminal Justice System 

Actions recommended by Lily:

Register to Vote
New Jim Crow
Prison Policy Initiative
Compassion Prison Project

Great organizations mentioned by Lily:

Black & Pink
Human Rights Projects
Anti-Defamation League

You can find more information at https://unconsciousbiasproject.org/. Dr Linet Mera and Alexis Krohn are your hosts. Seth Boeckman is our editor. If you like what you hear, please subscribe to this podcast and follow us.

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