For show notes and links: 

Edward Bourke (

) is a political campaigner, consultant, investor and entrepreneur - a mouthful of titles for someone only 16

years of age. As Ed says himself, age is merely a number, proving his stance as an incredibly articulate and rational mind when it comes to all things business and politics. Ed makes it quite clear that he is unabashedly a right-wing - something in which has caused some outrage and will for some of our own listeners - particularly with his support of Donald Trump in the presidential election.

Over the last few months there have been numerous discussions around ‘why Trump/why do people support Trump/and what is bad about Trump?’. People will know that I enjoy the content of both Sam Harris (an avowed Trump critic) and Scott Adams (a proponent of Trump’s persuasion ability). My own opinion is that we need to break down these partisan walls and understand the human across the aisle. It’s absolutely bizarre to me that in this modern Western world, there is now a razor’s edge between the alt-right and regressive left. To agree with one on a topic, firmly puts you in that camp and draws mock outrage from the other side. And so it’s in this conversation that you realise that it’s not the label that matters, but the contents.

Some may disagree with his views, but you’ll probably find that some, seem quite rational (depending on your politics). I hope you are able to appreciate the conversation as much as I did, and admire the level headedness of this young man.

My points of discussion include:

What got him interested in politics

The reality of voicing one’s opinion

Economics, trade, foreign policy & immigration

Getting rid of the minimum wage

Privatising healthcare

His prediction on Trump’s foreign policy  

Why Donald Trump won

Democracy, compulsory voting and monarchies

<p>For show notes and links:  </p><p> </p><p>Edward Bourke (<a href="#">@edwardjbourke</a>) is a political campaigner, consultant, investor and entrepreneur - a mouthful of titles for someone only 16 years of age. As Ed says himself, age is merely a number, proving his stance as an incredibly articulate and rational mind when it comes to all things business and politics. Ed makes it quite clear that he is unabashedly a right-wing - something in which has caused some outrage and will for some of our own listeners - particularly with his support of Donald Trump in the presidential election. </p> <p>Over the last few months there have been numerous discussions around ‘why Trump/why do people support Trump/and what is bad about Trump?’. People will know that I enjoy the content of both Sam Harris (an avowed Trump critic) and Scott Adams (a proponent of Trump’s persuasion ability). My own opinion is that we need to break down these partisan walls and understand the human across the aisle. It’s absolutely bizarre to me that in this modern Western world, there is now a razor’s edge between the alt-right and regressive left. To agree with one on a topic, firmly puts you in that camp and draws mock outrage from the other side. And so it’s in this conversation that you realise that it’s not the label that matters, but the contents.</p> <p>Some may disagree with his views, but you’ll probably find that some, seem quite rational (depending on your politics). I hope you are able to appreciate the conversation as much as I did, and admire the level headedness of this young man.</p> <p>My points of discussion include:</p><ul><li>What got him interested in politics</li><li>The reality of voicing one’s opinion </li><li>Economics, trade, foreign policy & immigration</li><li>Getting rid of the minimum wage </li><li>Privatising healthcare </li><li>His prediction on Trump’s foreign policy  </li><li>Why Donald Trump won </li><li>Democracy, compulsory voting and monarchies</li></ul>