For show notes and links: 

Paul Creasey (
@biodefined ) is a body composition specialist and personal trainer. In an earlier life, Paul was by day a school teacher (music and P.E), and by night a bodybuilder/personal trainer. But he soon realised that his true passion was for personal training, and therefore completely pivoted his life to create bioDefined. Paul is widely renowned for his expert knowledge in strength training, biomechanics and exercise execution having been trained by the likes of Charles Poliquin, Eugene Teo and Luke Leaman. An avid self-improver he has by far one of the best fitness and strength podcasts specific to local Australian talent, on bioDefined Radio, and a building library of content across multiple social platforms.

We covered a wide array of fitness, strength and health topics including:

Moving on from school teaching to PT’ing

Advice to those who wish to switch careers

On his journey with bioDefined

Key principles to training and nutrition

Biggest mistakes people make in regards to stress

The ideal diet

How he trains his clients

Go-to recovery methods

Go-to supplements

Measuring and monitoring improvement

Resources for inspiration

Mistakes made by people while training

Things they don’t tell you before starting as a PT

How to teach someone to be a great trainer

Enjoy the episode,
Jordan and Lauren

Show notes

Bio and background {06:15}

Moving on from school teaching to PT’ing {09:30}

Advice to those who wish to switch careers {19:59}

Lessons learnt from his parents {23:04}

On his journey with bioDefined {28:08}

Something he’s changed his mind on recently {31:20}

Key principles to training and nutrition {33:14}

Biggest mistakes people make in regards to stress {39:07}

The ideal diet {44:05}

How he trains his clients {52:43}

Go-to recovery methods {58:29}

Go-to supplements {01:01:27}

Measuring and monitoring improvement {01:05:54}

Resources for inspiration {01:08:57}

Mistakes made by people while training {01:11:30}

Things they don’t tell you before starting as a PT {01:14:15}

How to teach someone to be a great trainer {01:15:11}

Morning rituals and meditation {01:16:55}

A question he wish people asked him {01:19:23}

If he had to do a TED talk, what would it be on? {01:21:00}

Best purchase under $200 {01:21:59}

A problem he faces everyday that no one has solved yet {01:22:57}

An insight in life that is obvious to him, but not to others {01:24:33}

Current playlist {01:25:42}

If he could have a billboard anywhere in Australia {01:27:03}

First thing that comes to mind with the word ‘success’ {01:27:55}

Check out a similar episode - #007 Anthony Ross

<p>For show notes and links: </p><p>Paul Creasey (<a href="#">@biodefined </a> ) is a body composition specialist and personal trainer. In an earlier life, Paul was by day a school teacher (music and P.E), and by night a bodybuilder/personal trainer. But he soon realised that his true passion was for personal training, and therefore completely pivoted his life to create bioDefined. Paul is widely renowned for his expert knowledge in strength training, biomechanics and exercise execution having been trained by the likes of Charles Poliquin, <a href="#">Eugene Teo </a> and Luke Leaman. An avid self-improver he has by far one of the best fitness and strength podcasts specific to local Australian talent, on bioDefined Radio, and a building library of content across multiple social platforms. We covered a wide array of fitness, strength and health topics including:</p><ul><li>Moving on from school teaching to PT’ing</li><li>Advice to those who wish to switch careers</li><li>On his journey with bioDefined</li><li>Key principles to training and nutrition</li><li>Biggest mistakes people make in regards to stress</li><li>The ideal diet</li><li>How he trains his clients</li><li>Go-to recovery methods</li><li>Go-to supplements</li><li>Measuring and monitoring improvement</li><li>Resources for inspiration</li><li>Mistakes made by people while training</li><li>Things they don’t tell you before starting as a PT</li><li>How to teach someone to be a great trainer</li></ul>

Enjoy the episode, Jordan and Lauren

Show notes

Bio and background {06:15}Moving on from school teaching to PT’ing {09:30}Advice to those who wish to switch careers {19:59}Lessons learnt from his parents {23:04}On his journey with bioDefined {28:08}Something he’s changed his mind on recently {31:20}Key principles to training and nutrition {33:14}Biggest mistakes people make in regards to stress {39:07}The ideal diet {44:05}How he trains his clients {52:43}Go-to recovery methods {58:29}Go-to supplements {01:01:27}Measuring and monitoring improvement {01:05:54}Resources for inspiration {01:08:57}Mistakes made by people while training {01:11:30}Things they don’t tell you before starting as a PT {01:14:15}How to teach someone to be a great trainer {01:15:11}Morning rituals and meditation {01:16:55}A question he wish people asked him {01:19:23}If he had to do a TED talk, what would it be on? {01:21:00}Best purchase under $200 {01:21:59}A problem he faces everyday that no one has solved yet {01:22:57}An insight in life that is obvious to him, but not to others {01:24:33}Current playlist {01:25:42}If he could have a billboard anywhere in Australia {01:27:03}First thing that comes to mind with the word ‘success’ {01:27:55}
Check out a similar episode - #007 Anthony Ross