Hey folks! This weekend, running from July 15th to 17th, go check out the Phyrexians for Uvalde stream hosted at willofthecompleation on Twitch! It's a charity event for the affected families in Uvalde. Check out details of the fundraiser here on @ForestSolRingGo. There's giveaways for this good cause! Each participant is playing a legendary Phyrexian, I'll be playing Urabrask 2.0 on Sunday.

The informant of Asmodeus himself roams the Nine Hells as a harmless seller of goods from his Wandering Emporium. However, each trinket he brings has a price to be paid, with blood and your very soul.

Derek, my previous guest and one of my friends from my original playgroup braves his early morning in a different timezone to go over his decklist focused on Treasures! We talk about the strategies, card choices, and potential sandbagging and swap outs that match the mood of the table you're playing at.

Check out Derek's Mahadi list on Moxfield, and you can engage Judge Derek on his Twitter @genesiswavefor1.

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