Today I’m chatting with Lucy O’Connor the creative mind behind Monday Hustle. This is Lucy’s second appearance on the Uncomfortable is OK podcast. Long time listeners of the show will remember Lucy from way back in episode 18 from over a year ago. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to that yet make sure you go back and get into it because we really dig into Lucy’s backstory. A whole heap has happened since then. Including a tough run with her Achilles tendon, two ruptures and an infection that was slow to heal. This has forced Lucy to slow down and re-think, re-define, and re-invent both herself and Monday Hustle. The result is a self-awareness, eloquence and a tight plan! Lucy has infectious enthusiasm which is great to see after what she has been through. I always have a blast when I chat with her so hopefully you will listening.

A few of the topics that we cover off today are;

+ Self-awareness

+ Sense of identity

+ The importance of exercise

+ Figuring out your values

+ That sometimes slowing down and stepping back is one of the best things you can do

+ Characteristic levels of fever

+ And of course getting uncomfortable


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Guest: Lucy O'Connor

Monday Hustle




Host: Chris Desmond

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