Today is episode 47 and I’m chatting with Anna Dawson. Anna has just finished a three month long cycle the length of the Philippines, for her quest, Plastic Free Philippines. Besides cycling this also involved local clean ups, education sessions, and getting communities involved.

Today I chat with Anna about this trip, about that time she sailed from New Zealand to the Philippines, and about figuring out what her purpose is on this planet.

We talk about her happiness with simplicity, becoming a Mum, following those little thoughts that tell you to do something and the drive to be able to look her son in the eyes and tell him that she did her best.

Our audio connection was a bit dodgy at times, so there is a word missing here and there but the conversation still flows and makes sense so hopefully you don’t have any trouble following along.

Thanks for sharing your time with us today, thanks to those of you who have shared out episodes or left comments and reviews, they’re much appreciated. Most of all, thanks for getting uncomfortable with us today.

Guest: Anna Dawson

Plastic Free Philippines

Plastic free Philippines Facebook

Host: Chris Desmond




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