How you approach the unfamiliar determines how the path of exploration you will follow throughout your life. When you are in control of how you explore, unknown experiences will incite a curious and interested response. When exploration comes at you too rapidly at a pace you cannot control, your mind initiates a state of fearful emergency. It knows only that it is unprepared to handle what is coming for it. When you recognize Many experiences will do both. It a state of total unknown, you lose even the ability to evacuate for self-preservation. Be mindful of your reactions to what, at first, you don’t understand, as it is the only way to gain composure and dominate the unfamiliar.

This is the 12th part of a new daily short-hand series of podcast releases covering an integral approach to self-discovery and identity development. Come back tomorrow to continue the discussion or click here to see the other episodes in the Unceasing Self-Discovery series.