Gabriel Scheare is one of the co-founders of Fort Galt, an intentional community project in Valdivia, Chile that seeks to give its inhabitants optimal freedom over how they participate in society. He and Gregory discuss the project’s unfortunate origins in a similarly-named fraudulent operation known as Galt’s Gulch Chile, and aspirations of everyone involved to bring the power of society back to the hands of creative individuals instead of centralized government organizations.

Gabriel discusses the underlying philosophical implications of how his small team went from “Wouldn’t it be cool?” to “Let’s fucking do it!” to create a plan for their own micro-society in a world of in optimal social interactions. We cover how in a moral and reasonable society, individuals are free to form their own groups and associations based on what is appropriate for their goals.

In a right society, we can build long-term relationships on trust on respect instead of taking advantage of each other for immediate gain. But this is only possible if we are free to get out of each other's’ ways. There is a natural social immune system which encourages people to act in the right way toward each other, without a centralized threat of compulsion. The problem is that we all act like everyone else needs to agree with us and value what we value. Operate as a scientist and explorer who seeks to understand how

What is the principle motivating factor behind your actions? Have you surrounded yourself with other people who share your values? Or do you stay stuck in the conditions of the arbitrary society you were born into?


Websites mentioned:

Fort Galt website:

Fort Galt on Facebook:

The failed Galt’s Gulch Chile community: