Is intuition just unexamined thought? Or something beyond rational analysis? Many believe that when we get a strong feeling, a “deep inner knowing” about something that is contains a supernatural element that warrants respect and validity. To know what you think you know, you must locate your axioms of interpretation - the fundamental acceptances you use to understand everything else. They hold a sacred spot in your life beyond doubt or analysis.

Michael Light (pen name of Michael Smith) is the author of the recent book Intuitive Leadership Mastery: How a CEO Doubled Profits and Halved Stress. He argues that intuition, if properly developed, can be one’s greatest tool for making effective decisions in business and life. Gregory takes the opposite approach, claiming that whatever true conclusions can be arrived at through intuition and feelings can be better refined through intense logical analysis of the factors in play.

The two attempt to determine at what point it becomes impractical to continue this analysis and just rely on feelings and “spiritual” awareness. Gregory wants to know if it possible to develop analytical abilities to be faster and better than intuitive abilities, while Michael encourages greater trust in the body’s own knowledge of things.

When does it become impractical to examine your conclusions?

How do you differentiate between reliable intuition and unreliable intuition?


Websites mentioned:

Intuitive Leadership Mastery on Amazon:

Michael’s website:


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