Greg Curtin left America in his twenties to see what the world could offer him with hardly a plan to means to sustain himself. Now in his thirties, he has traveled around the world eagerly taking jobs wherever he could find them, always finding a way to keep himself afloat and pursuing his myriad passions.

This lifestyle has carried with it obvious and non-obvious challenges alike. Aside from constant acclimation to new cultures, Greg learned that he could never reintegrate back to where he came from. He experienced extreme alienation from your own peers for seeking an unconventional path. Because he dropped out of school, he would never be able to easily return to the standard education or career path. He now existed in a cultural void where there was no carved out space for him and he was free to act however he wanted, for better or for worse.

We are all unconsciously shaped by the role our immediate culture carves out for us. Our skin tone, gender, attractiveness, and a million other little things contribute to the immediate impression others form of us, and therefore what they will allow or expect from us. We must consciously choose to remain curious and enthusiastic about all the new experiences life can offer just outside our comfort zones, especially as the world changes at an accelerating rate.

How are you currently imprisoned by the cultural expectations of those around you?

How do you use the accident of your life circumstances to your advantage?