Simone Sauter is life coach specializing in getting over heartbreak. She joins Gregory to discuss a recent bout of heartbreak that took even her by surprise. Together, they try to make meaning out of the mess of emotional turmoil these recent events have left her in. Over the course of their uncomfortable conversation, Simone gets the opportunity to reevaluate how she acquired the conceptions of relationships she has, how they are harming her, and ultimately how to replace them with something better.

Join in on the conversation in your own mind as you consider the negative associations in your own life, why and how you seek companionship at all, and how to move from a place of pain to one of power. None of us has to live our lives by the standards and false beliefs of other people. External judgment is idle. Take back control of the meaning of the words you use to define yourself and your life.

What are you actually looking for in a romantic partner? How quick are you to project those standards onto the suitors you entangle your life with?

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